The Green Team
University Campus Recycling
Nothing says success for a university quite like the entire student body coming together for a common cause. Recycling can bring academics, athletics, extra-curriculars and volunteer work all together on a university to work towards a goal to make the campus waste-free by recycling.
Student and Faculty
Students and faculty - take pride in your university and your planet! Recycling will ensure the sustainability of both while benefiting your campus financially. When they save, you win.
Living in a college town may be difficult, however, the benefits of living close to one could include - you guessed it - recycling! Campuses should open their recycling centers to those in the community while distributing reusable goods to those in need.
What Can Your Campus Do?
The key to successful recycling programs is to get everyone from the students to faculty to the community involved. Without participation from everyone, a recycling program will be ineffective. Your university can do things like place water fountains in areas with a lot of students, like gyms or the residential halls. Longwood University has placed automatic dispensers on their water fountains to encourage students to reuse water bottles rather than waste new ones.